Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A Subtle Mind

Hello to all my classmates who may read this! It has been a great week! We have been busy remodeling our home we just purchased. We are excited as this is our first very own home that is all ours!!

But I digress, on to business. This week were expected to listen to the Subtle Mind exercise. Personally   I love this exercise. I found it to be easy and quite helpful. I am a huge fan of ocean sounds and find them quite soothing. This was a great deal easier for me to do compared to last week. The speaker was  better and the prompts were easy to follow. Again the ocean sounds were soothing and relaxing. I would definitely recommend this exercise to others.

We are also suppose to discuss the connection between spiritual wellness to mental and physical wellness.I personally believe that the three go hand in hand. I feel as though finding mind-body-spirit exercises such as yoga can facilitate this connection. I do believe that one can be spiritual independent of religion, as I do not practice religion. But with yoga I can be spiritual. I can center my mind and spirit all way working my body.


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